Divine Liturgy - 11/01/2009
On Sunday, November 1st, 2009, His Grace Bishop Ilarion and His Grace Bishop Andriy celebrated the Divine Liturgy together at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Edmonton. This Liturgy was on the final day of the Western Eparchy Sobor and was celebrated in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Western Eparchy.
(48 images)

Divine Liturgy - 11/01/2009
On Sunday, November 1st, 2009, His Grace Bishop Ilarion and His Grace Bishop Andriy celebrated the Divine Liturgy together at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Edmonton. This Liturgy was on the final day of the Western Eparchy Sobor and was celebrated in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Western Eparchy.(48 images)

His Grace Bishop Ilarion at St. Dimitrios - 10/26/2009
His Grace Bishop Ilarion celebrating the Divine Liturgy at St. Dimitrios Greek Orthodox Church on the occasion of their Temple Feast Day.(16 images)

His Grace Bishop Ilarion's First Archpastoral Visitation to Calgary - 10/25/2009
From Friday, October 23rd to Monday, October 26th, His Grace Bishop Ilarion was in Calgary making his first first official archpastoral visitation as 'Bishop of Edmonton and the Western Eparchy.' On Sunday, October 25th he ordained Subdeacon Michael Faryna to the Holy Diaconate.(121 images)

Jordan Feast - Baptism of the Lord - 01/19/2009
Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Water at Holy Trinity Church in Lethbridge Alberta, on Sunday, January 18th; Great Compline and Blessing of Water on Sunday, January 18th at St. Vladimir's Church in Calgary; and Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Water on Monday, January 19th at St. Vladimir's Church.(30 images)

Divine Services - May 2009
Various pictures from various Divine Services in May 2009.(25 images)

Icon Project
St. Andrew on the Hills of Kyiv, St. Demetrius, and the Mother of God of Canada(71 images)

Lazarus Saturday - 04/11/2009
Pictures of Fr. Taras and Fr. Timothy communing at the Lazarus Saturday Divine Liturgy, and pictures of them celebrating Great Vespers with Litiya, later that night for the Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Into Jerusalem.(18 images)

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