The Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid Committee is organizing a Ukrainian social services network for Ukrainian evacuees. This is a collaborative effort together with UCC and other organizations. The Ukrainian Support Network collects and shares the informational resources in conenction with the topics below:
- Handbook(s) and/or guide(s):
- Health:
- Alberta Health Servicces (AHS) for Ukrainians;
- mental health:
- wellness (YMCA and YWCA coordination);
- organization of free dental and other services that are not covered by the government of Canada.
- Education:
- language training:
- вивчення англійської із волонтерами Церкви Св. Володимира:
- заняття для новоприбулих, щоб підвищити рівень знання англійської або просто поспілкуватися англійською заради практики та зменшення "мовленевої сором'язливості",
- загальні питання про Калгарі,
- розмовний клуб,
- оголошення від клубу,
- цікаві події у Калгарі;
- free language assessment test and miscellaneous language training;
- volunteer language classes by Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish - register here;
- Agape Language Centre;
- via immigration services (e.g. Gateway and Centre for Newcomers - see below);
- summer camps (multiple opportunities for children) - see the posters;
- child support / day care;
- children's day camp / overnight camp placement (free for families);
- education for children and youth;
- support for post-secondary (e.g. college, university, etc.) students;
- liaison with educational institutions and school boards to help children and youth start / continue their education.
- language training:
- Job search:
- Hippo Hub Jobs - a collection of jobs posted on Ukrainian Canadian Congress website;
- Job Bank, jobs for Ukraine - look for a job OR offer a job;
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada - learn how to look for a job, obtain benefits, sign up for language courses + assessment and get other newcomer services;
- Ukrainian help with a job / Canada (Українці допомагають з роботою / Канада);
- youth (age 16 - 24) employment - coaching and direct connection to employers by City of Calgary (315 10 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0W2 (403) 268-2490);
- Alberta Supports;
- Career and Employment Centre – Calgary;
- CIWA Employment Services (Calgary Immigrant Women's Association);
- Centre for Newcomers;
- jobs in Rocky Mountains (Banff, Canmore);
- Job Hub Ukraine - job listings, assistance finding a job, opportunity to share a job;
- job opportunities at AgeCare - facility for senior citizens;
- iAdvance Pathways by ICTC (PDF);
- Altis Recruitment - a recruitment company helping Ukrainian evacuees find jobs in such areas as IT, finance and accounting, construction and property management, professional services, administrative and clerical.
- Immigration and legal assistance:
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada - immigrate to Canada;
- Alberta Advantage Immigration Program - immigrate to AB, Canada;
- The Canadian Bar Association - get legal assistance from volunteer lawyers;
- professional and volunteer translators, contact Elaine Lawson <elainel@ciwa-online.com> at CIWA.
- Other services:
- tax preparation guide under the CUAET program:
- first steps in Canada - suggested first steps for newly arrived people (ENG, UA);
- The Calgary Welcome Center - get advice about language and other education, setting up a business in Canada, résumé editing, etc.;
- Gateway (immigration agencies association) - miscellaneous services, language training, employment-related services, basic needs (food, furniture, social programs): (403) 265-1120;
- Ukrainian Donation Centre - get furniture and other items to start your life in Canada;
- free calls from abroad to Ukraine and from Ukraine to abroad via Skype (details here);
- free flights to Canada:
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada,
- Miles4Migrants,
- contact the Centre for Newcomers for WestJet airline vouchers for secondary migration;
- Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven - before arrival, welcome packages and other services;
- community orientation;
- liaison with existing social services in Calgary and the area.
The Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid Committee of the St. Vladimir's Orthodox Sobor and our partners do not assume any financial or other responsiblity or liability in connection with the information we are providing. The Committee's objective is solely to help share the information that may be helpful to some evacuees arriving from Ukraine to our community.
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