This page is for the evacuees from Ukraine looking for temporary accommodation AND for those who would like to donate their accommodation temporarily to evacuees from Ukraine.
Need temporary accommodation?
- An emergency hotel stay for 14 days and other services by the Centre for Newcomers (CFN)
- Free temporary (more than 14 days) accommodation in Alberta for Ukrainian evacuees: https://refugeeshousedhere.ca/
- Read about how the government of Canada helps the Ukrainians impacted by the war: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/ukraine-measures.html
- Use the links below to help find shelter for Ukrainian evacuees in Canada and worldwide:
- Contact us to inquire about the accommodation that our community has volunteered to share with the evacuees from Ukraine: UkraineSupport@stvlads.com
Ready to host a Ukrainian evacuee family?
- Check out these frequenly asked questions.
- If you would like to temporarily donate your accommodation to Ukrainian evacuees, use this link: https://refugeeshousedhere.ca/
- The Canadian host is expected to:
- settle a evacuee family for free during the period of time the host has initially commited to;
- meet the evacuee family and transport them to the place of their accommodation;
- provide one or two rooms (depending on the host's situation, but in accordance with or exceeding the evacuee family's minimal needs);
- share the accommodation that is healthy (free of odours, moss, etc.), tidy, and clean of pests (e.g. rodents, bedbugs, etc.);
- ensure a dedicated or easisly accessible (any time) washroom;
- give access to a sufficiently equiped kitchen to cook their own meals during reasonable periods and at reasonable time during the day;
- be prepared to provide additional support with meals, if necessary;
- present a “clean” police check.
- Donate accommodation through our partner(s):
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