One day Jesus Christ healed ten men, but only one came back to thank Him (Lk 17:11-19). Following this grateful Samaritan's example, our Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid Committee thanks and praises the Lord for all His mercies.
We thank our volunteers, donors, active community members, fellow Churches and organisations, all the people of good will who have shown and continue showing their faith through their kind deeds. This living faith has inspired others to volunteer in order to assist those in our Ukrainian community who need some extra help, who have travelled thousands of kilometres and have lost so much, but who now have found something. It is through this great Love of our Lord Jesus Christ and those who have accepted the call to serve their neighbour that we have, together, accomplished a lot. Truly, faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains (Mt 17:20)!
We are unable to thank all as the list could, perhaps, go on endlessly; there are also those that have contributed anonymously. We appreciate all the kind contributions, be it in material (e.g. donations), time (e.g. volunteering), information (e.g. spreading the word of truth) or spiritual (e.g. prayers) terms. The people, Churches and organizations below have a special place in our hearts and in the herts of those whom they have helped. If you believe that we have missed someone or something important that should be added or corrected, please, let us know.
Churches, Organizations & Individual Donors:
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Kurt & Cara Malonar
- Aquadict Foundation
- Hillhurst United Church
- St.Stephens Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Church
- Rotary Club North
- Lions Club of Bearspaw
- Roger Pilkington
- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Marry Ukrainian Catholic Church
- Center for Newcomers
- Capital Power
- Northriver Midstream Inc.