Holodomor - 11/23/2013
The Holodomor of 1932 - 1933
Commemoration and Remembrance Program
St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cultural Centre
Calgary, Alberta
November 23, 2013
With more than 7 million people falling victim, the “Great “Man-made” Famine in Ukraine” marks it’s tragic 80th anniversary in 2013.
Memory Eternal!
Heart felt Thanks to the organizers and participants of this very insightful and moving program.
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Vesper & Litia - 10/13/2013
"Pokrova Bogoroditsi"
Protection of the Holy Mother of God
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Western Eparchy Assembly 2013 - 10/25/2013
Western Eparchy Assembly in Edmonton, AB., October 25-27, 2013.
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Memorial Litia
Memorial Litia and Blessing of a Plaque, remembering those individuals interned in a camp in Lethbridge, Alberta, September 30, 1914 to November 7, 1916.
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Benefactor Sunday and Thanksgiving - 10/20/2013
St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation commemorated Thanksgiving Day today, as well as, honoured her reposed Benefactors. A Memorial Litia for all reposed benefactors of our congregation was served. Father Tim also blessed a few 'Good Shepherd Prayer Books', vegetable/fruit baskets brought in by our youth, and a Cross pendant. Following the service, Thanksgiving dinner was served in the Cultural Centre. Thank you to our awesome and hard working volunteers!
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The Good Shepherd Book Launch - 10/01/2013
October 1, 2013, St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Calgary, AB.
At this very special event, His Eminence, Metropolitan Yurij, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada officially introduced and presented the 3rd Edition of The Good Shepherd Prayer Book. Also in attendance was His Grace Ilarion, Bishop of Edmonton and the Western Eparchy, Very Rev. Fr. Taras, Rev. Fr. Cornell, Rev. Fr. Timothy, Members of the Parish Council, Members of the Congregation, and friends of the Congregation.
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2013 Orthodox Women's Retreat - 09/27/2013
The retreat was held on Sept. 27, 28, & 29 at the Entheos Retreat Centre just west of Calgary. The topic of the 2013 Orthodox Retreat was "Connected with Christ in all of our moments". Mother Macrina was the guest speaker.
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2013 Southern Alberta Mission (SAMP) Golf Tournament - 09/14/2013
The Southern Alberta Mission Project Golf Tournament was held at Silverwing Links Golf Club in Calgary, AB. 19 participants enjoyed a gorgeous day of golf and Christian fellowship. Following the tournament, several people joined the group for a delicious dinner and prize wrap-up. Thank you to all participants and organizers. See you all in 2014!
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Transfiguration - 08/19/2013
Pictures from the Transfiguration Vesper and Liturgy service on August 18th & 19th.
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Temple Feast Day & Farewell - 07/28/2013
Following the Divine Liturgy and Moleben on the occasion of the 1025 anniversary of the Baptism of Rus' - Ukraine, the congregation gathered in the Cultural Centre for a potluck lunch and special farewell for Fr. Chad, Dobr. Carmen and family.
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