The aims of the Calgary Collection, UMC, is the preservation, promotion and an appreciation of our Canadian-Ukrainian heritage.
It was formed by the women of the Olha Basarabova Branch, Ukrainian Woman’s Association of St. Vladimir’s Sobor in 1976. Its collection features embroideries, kylyms, costuming, folk-art and a large collection of pysanky. Our artifacts show the early pioneer life in Canada as well as contemporary works.
The museum is a member of the Alberta Museum Association and a branch of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada. We operate under the auspices of the Ukrainian Women’s Association.

The museum offers community groups tours as well as School Tours for the Grade 3 Social Studies Program. These tours feature Christmas and Easter Traditions and a Dance and Pysanka Series as well as a museum and church visit.
The school programs offer a skit, treasure hunt and videos.
For confirmation of tours please contact our administrator at 403-264-3437 for further contacts.
Admission is $5.00 per participant.
FOLK ART Workshops are offered Periodically.

Calgary Ukrainian Festival since 2010
Children’s World 2012
Through Their Eyes art exhibit 2022-2023
Winter Festivities and Winter Outer Wear 2022-2023
Child’s Play and the Motanka 2023-2024

St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cultural Centre
404 Meredith Road NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 5A6
For more Information, phone 403-910-6528

Open Tuesday 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.
Sunday's after Church service or by appointment.
The GIFT SHOP carries Pysanky and Pysanky Supplies, Icons, blouses, books, crosses and Wedding and Christening articles as well as church needs.
Admission to the museum is by donation
The museum functions by an active volunteer group and new members are always welcome!
Become a Member and Support the Museum