St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
Tag: English
138 results found.
Bible readings 0138: Numbers 21 - 01/21/2024

Content: Defeating the Canaanites; the copper serpent; defeating the Amorites and the king of Bashan.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0137: Numbers 20 - 01/07/2024

Content: The death of Miriam. Water out of the rock. The king of Edom does not allow the children of Israel to pass through the territory. The death of Aaron.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0136: Numbers 19 - 11/19/2023

Content: The ashes of a red heifer for the water of sprinkling to purify the children of Israel.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0135: Numbers 18 - 11/13/2023

Content: Responsibility and reward for the service of Levites and priests; their tithes.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0134: Numbers 17 - 11/12/2023

Content: Aaron’s rod budded.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0133: Numbers 16 - 10/29/2023

Content: Korah and others rebel against Moses and Aaron.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0132: Numbers 15 - 10/04/2023

Content: Laws surrounding grain and drink offerings; laws for unintentional sin; penalty for not observing Sabbath; fringes for garments.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0131: Numbers 14 - 09/28/2023

Content: The people act unfaithfully and fearfully refusing to fight for the Promised Land; Moses intercedes and the Lord forgives, but the children of Israel are now to wander in the desert for 40 years; they act contrary to God’s word and, therefore, flee before their enemies.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0130: Numbers 13 - 09/24/2023

Content: Intelligence about the Promised Land.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0129: Numbers 12 - 09/17/2023

Content: Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of his Ethiopian wife. Moses meekness. Miriam is disciplined.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0128: Numbers 11 - 09/10/2023

Content: The people grumble; description of the manna; the quail.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0127: Numbers 10 - 09/03/2023

Content: The silver trumpets. Journey from the Desert Sinai to the Desert Paran. Hobab. Moses prayer.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0126: Numbers 9 - 08/27/2023

Content: The children of Israel, including those defiled keep the Passover (Pascha) in Sinai. The punishment for not keeping Pascha. The cloud and the appearance of fire covering the tabernacle as the signal to move or rest.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0125: Numbers 8 - 08/20/2023

Content: Arranging the lamps. Cleansing and consecrating the Levites to prepare them for their service.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0124: Numbers 7 - 08/16/2023

Content: Israel leaders’ offerings for the dedication of the altar.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0123: Numbers 6 - 08/06/2023

Content: Law concerning vows. The priest’s blessing.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0122: Numbers 5 - 07/30/2023

Content: Sending of the unclean outside of the camp. Confession and restitution for trespasses. Law concerning jealousy.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0121: Numbers 4 - 07/23/2023

Content: The services of the sons of Kohath, Gershon and Merari.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0120: Numbers 3 - 07/17/2023

Content: Census of the Levites and their duties in connection with the tabernacle of the congregation. Levites replace the firstborn among the children of Israel.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0119: Numbers 2 - 07/09/2023

Content: The arrangement of the military orders of the children of Israel.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0118: Numbers 1 - 07/02/2023

Content: The enumeration of the Israelites capable for military service.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0117: Leviticus 27 - 06/25/2023

Content: Laws concerning the things which are dedicated to God.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0116: Leviticus 26 - 06/11/2023

Content: God’s blessings for being obedient to Him. His punishments for being disobedient to Him.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible Readings 0115: Leviticus 25 - 06/05/2023

Content: The land is to rest the seventh year; the jubilee (remission) year for release of people and real estate; lending to the poor; how to treat fellow inhabitants of the land.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this channel accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0114: Leviticus 24 - 10/10/2021

Content: The perpetual lamp; the bread before the Lord; death for blasphemy; punishment for other sins (eye for eye, tooth for tooth…).

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0113: Leviticus 23 - 10/10/2021

Content: The feasts of the Lord.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0112: Leviticus 22 - 09/12/2021

Content: Priests and all are to be careful with holy things. Acceptable offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0111: Leviticus 21 - 09/05/2021

Content: Conduct for priests.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0110: Leviticus 20 - 09/05/2021

Content: Penalties for worshipping anyone/anything but the Lord; for cursing parents, psychic practices, homosexuality and other trespasses. The call for holiness.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0109: Leviticus 19 - 08/22/2021

Content:Laws of righteous life. Tattoos.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0108: Leviticus 18 - 08/15/2021

Content: God’s commandments to prevent His people from committing abominations after the manner of pagans.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0107: Leviticus 17 - 08/08/2021

Content: God’s commandments about blood.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0106: Leviticus 16 - 08/01/2021

Content: God’s commandments about atonement for the people. The scapegoat.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0105: Leviticus 15 - 08/01/2021

Content: The law concerning bodily discharges.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0104: Leviticus 14 - 06/20/2021

Content: The law of purification for people healed from leprosy (including if they are unable to bring what pertains for purification); the law about leprosy on houses.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0103: Leviticus 13 - 06/06/2021

Content: The law about leprosy: people and garments.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0102: Leviticus 12 - 05/24/2021

Content: The law about women giving birth to a child.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0101: Leviticus 11 - 05/24/2021

Content: The law about clean and unclean creatures.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0100: Leviticus 10 - 05/16/2021

Content: Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons, die.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0099: Leviticus 9 - 05/16/2021

Content: Aaron’s first sacrifice for himself and the people.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0098: Leviticus 8 - 05/10/2021

Content: The ordination of Aaron and his sons, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0097: Leviticus 7 - 05/09/2021

Content: God’s commandments about trespass and peace offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0096: Leviticus 6 - 05/03/2021

Content: God’s commandments about offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0095: Leviticus 5 - 05/01/2021

Content: God’s commandments about trespass offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0094: Leviticus 4 - 04/29/2021

Content: God’s commandments about sin offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0093: Leviticus 3 - 04/25/2021

Content: God’s commandments about peace offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0092: Leviticus 2 - 04/18/2021

Content: God’s commandments about grain offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0091: Leviticus 1 - 04/18/2021

Content: God’s commandments about burnt offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0090: Exodus 40 - 04/11/2021

Content: God’s commandment to set up the tabernacle; Moses sets up the tabernacle; the cloud and fire.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0089: Exodus 39 - 04/11/2021

Content: Making of the cloths of service; Moses’ blessing.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0088: Exodus 38 - 04/11/2021

Content: Making the altar, the laver of bronze; the use of the offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0087: Exodus 37 - 04/11/2021

Content: Completion of the holy things for the tabernacle.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0086: Exodus 36 - 04/11/2021

Content: Construction of the tabernacle.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0085: Exodus 35 - 04/11/2021

Content: The regulations about the Sabbath; the children of Israel bring the necessary things to build the tabernacle of the congregation.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0084: Exodus 34 - 03/21/2021

Content: A new set of tablets; God’s commandments; Moses’ face shine.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0083: Exodus 33 - 03/20/2021

Content: The people repent and God shows mercy.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0082: Exodus 32 - 03/20/2021

Content: The first two tablets of testimony made by God and the golden calf made by the children of Israel.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0081: Exodus 31 - 03/19/2021

Content: The Lord’s commandments about the craftsmen to build the tabernacle and about keeping the Sabbath.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0080: Exodus 30 - 03/17/2021

Content: The Lord’s commandments about the altar of incense; the census and the ransom that there may be no plague; a laver; holy oil; incense.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0079: Exodus 29 - 03/07/2021

Content: The Lord’s commandments about consecrating Aaron and his sons for ministering to God as priests; daily offerings.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0078: Exodus 28 - 03/06/2021

Content: The Lord’s commandments about the priestly garments.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0077: Exodus 27 - 02/28/2021

Content: The Lord’s commandments about the altar, the court of the tabernacle, the lighted lamp.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0076: Exodus 26 - 02/27/2021

Content: The Lord’s commandments about the tabernacle.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0075: Exodus 25 - 02/21/2021

Content: The Lord’s commandments about offerings for the sanctuary, the ark of the testimony, the table of the showbread, the candlestick.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0074: Exodus 24 - 02/14/2021

Content: God’s tablets of stone, law, commandments; Moses spends forty days and nights in the mountain.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0073: Exodus 23 - 02/14/2021

Content: The laws about justice, rest, feasts; God sends His Angel to help the children of Israel.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0072: Exodus 22 - 02/13/2021

Content: The laws about different things and offences.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0071: Exodus 21 - 02/07/2021

Content: The laws about servants, serious offences, animals.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0070: Exodus 20 - 02/01/2021

Content: The Ten Commandments.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0069: Exodus 19 - 01/31/2021

Content: At Mount Sinai.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0068: Exodus 18 - 01/24/2021

Content: Jethro visits Moses.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0067: Exodus 17 - 01/24/2021

Content: God instructs Moses to give water from the rock; Israel defeats Amalek.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0066: Exodus 16 - 01/19/2021

Content: God feeds the children of Israel with manna and meat in the desert.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0065: Exodus 15 - 01/18/2021

Content: Moses’s grateful song for being delivered by the Lord; God directs Moses to turn the bitter water into sweet.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0064: Exodus 14 - 01/12/2021

Content: God directs Moses to divide the Red Sea: Pharaoh and his host pursue the children of Israel, but perish; and the children of Israel go on dry ground through the midst of the sea successfully.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0063: Exodus 13 - 01/10/2021

Content: The law about all the firstborn and the feast of unleavened bread; Joseph’s bones; God leads the children of Israel though the desert by day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0062: Exodus 12 - 01/03/2021

Content: The Passover (Pascha); the tenth plague: the death of the firstborn; the exodus from Egypt.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0061: Exodus 11 - 12/28/2020

Content: Death of the firstborn announced.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0060: Exodus 10 - 12/27/2020

Content: The eighth plague: locusts; the ninth plague: darkness.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0059: Exodus 9 - 12/27/2020

Content: The fifth plague: diseased cattle; the sixth plague: boils; the seventh plague: hail.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0058: Exodus 8 - 12/20/2020

Content: The third plague: lice; the fourth plague: swarms of flies.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0057: Exodus 7 - 12/20/2020

Content: The rod turns to a serpent; the first plague: water turns to blood; the second plague: frogs.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0056: Exodus 6 - 12/13/2020

Content: God the Lord sends Moses to Pharaoh again; the Lord promises to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt and to give them the Promised Land for a heritage.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0055: Exodus 5 - 12/13/2020

Content: Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh, as God has commended, to let the people go to sacrifice to the Lord; the king of Egypt refuses and orders to make the children of Israel work even harder.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0054: Exodus 4 - 12/07/2020

Content: The Lord shows Moses the signs so that the children of Israel believe him and orders to do the wonders before Pharaoh; the Lord appoints Aaron to be Moses’s spokesman; the children of Israel believe.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0053: Exodus 3 - 12/06/2020

Content: The angel of the Lord appears unto Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and commands to bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0052: Exodus 2 - 11/29/2020

Content: Moses is born; he is found by Pharaoh’s daughter who adopts him; when Moses grows up, he kills an Egyptian to protect his Hebrew brethren; Moses flees from the face of Pharaoh and settles in Median; he creates a family there; God remembers His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0051: Exodus 1 - 11/29/2020

Content: The children of Israel multiply and become strong in Egypt; a new king of Egypt orders to kill all male newly born children.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0050: Genesis 50 - 11/22/2020

Content: Joseph buries Jacob in his family’s tomb; promises his brothers to sustain them and their families in Egypt; prophesies exodus of the children of Israel from there and takes an oath of them to carry his bones to the Promised Land.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0049: Genesis 49 - 11/22/2020

Content: Israel blesses his sons; prophesies about Judah; and breathes his last.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0048: Genesis 48 - 11/15/2020

Content: Israel blesses Ephraim and Manasseh.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0047: Genesis 47 - 11/15/2020

Content: Joseph’s family follow his advice and declare themselves to be shepherds; Pharaoh sends them to dwell in Goshen; the famine increases; Israel’s family prospers and multiplies in Egypt.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0046: Genesis 46 - 11/08/2020

Content: Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt and settle in Goshen; genealogies of those of Israel’s household that came to Egypt.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0045: Genesis 45 - 11/08/2020

Content: Joseph makes himself known to his brothers; Pharaoh commands to give wagons to Joseph’s brothers and to bring their father and their households to Egypt.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0044: Genesis 44 - 11/01/2020

Content: Joseph’s cup is found in Benjamin’s sack.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0043: Genesis 43 - 11/01/2020

Content: Joseph’s brothers return to Egypt to buy more bread and bring Benjamin with them.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0042: Genesis 42 - 10/25/2020

Content: Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt and bow down to him; Joseph recognizes his brothers, but does not open himself to them – and they do not recognize him; Joseph imprisons Simeon and demands that his brothers bring their younger brother, Benjamin, to him to prove that they are not spies; Jacob refuses to send Benjamin.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0041: Genesis 41 - 10/25/2020

Content: God helps Joseph interpret Pharaoh’s dreams about the seven years of plenteousness and the following seven years of famine; Joseph is made a ruler in Egypt; Manasseh and Ephraim are born to Joseph; the years of plenteousness and famine happen, as has been interpreted by Joseph.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

Bible readings 0040: Genesis 40 - 10/18/2020

Content: God helps Joseph interpret dreams to the Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker and it happens according to Joseph’s interpretations.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0039: Genesis 39 - 10/18/2020

Content: Joseph serves his master Potiphar, the Egyptian, and the latter makes him the overseer of his house because God made Potiphar’s house prosperous for Joseph’s sake. The Egyptian’s wife accuses Joseph wrongly and his master sends him to prison, but the Lord is with Joseph and all the prisoners there are committed to his hand.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0038: Genesis 38 - 10/12/2020

Content: Judah, his sons and Tamar.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0037: Genesis 37 - 10/12/2020

Content: Joseph’s brothers sell him out of their envy and he ends up in Egypt.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0036: Genesis 36 - 10/04/2020

Content: Esau’s descendants.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0035: Genesis 35 - 10/04/2020

Content: God directs Jacob (Israel) to Bethel and commands him to build Him an altar there. Rachel gives birth to Benjamin, but dies. Death of Isaac.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0034: Genesis 34 - 09/27/2020

Content: Dinah is defiled and her brothers avenge her.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0033: Genesis 33 - 09/27/2020

Content: Jacob meets Esau who accepts him.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0032: Genesis 32 - 09/20/2020

Content: Jacob prepares to meet with his brother, Esau, and acts cautiously as he is approaching. God changes Jacob’s name to Israel.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0031: Genesis 31 - 09/20/2020

Content: God bids Jacob return to Canaan; Jacob shares this with Leah and Rachel, who support him, and they flee together; Laban, who has overtaken them, makes a covenant with Jacob.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0030: Genesis 30 - 09/13/2020

Content: More children are born to Jacob: Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah and Joseph.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0029: Genesis 29 - 09/13/2020

Content: Jacob works for Laban seven years for Rachel; being beguiled by Laban – he works yet another seven years and is also married to Leah who bears him Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0028: Genesis 28 - 09/08/2020

Content: Isaac sends Jacob to Padanaram; God promises to support Jacob and to fulfill the blessing that He had blessed Abraham with.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0027: Genesis 27 - 09/06/2020

Content: Isaac blesses his son, Jacob, and Jacob flees to Haran, where his uncle Laban lives.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0026: Genesis 26 - 09/02/2020

Content: Isaac has to move several times; God affirms his promise (made to Abraham) to Isaac.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0025: Genesis 25 - 08/30/2020

Content: Rebekah gives birth to Esau (Edom) and Jacob; Esau sells his birthright.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0024: Genesis 24 - 08/29/2020

Content: God helps Abraham find a wife for his son, as Abraham trusted in the Lord; Rebekah becomes Isaac’s wife.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0023: Genesis 23 - 08/28/2020

Content: Sarah, Abraham’s wife, passes away and he purchases a cave and the surrounding area to bury her.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0022: Genesis 22 - 08/27/2020

Content: God tests Abraham; Abraham remains faithful, and God blesses him and promises that in his “seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed”.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0021: Genesis 21 - 08/27/2020

Content: God fulfills his promise to give Abraham and Sarah a son, Isaac; Abraham sends away Hagar and her son, Ishmael, whom God blesses also.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0020: Genesis 20 - 08/26/2020

Content: God strikes Abimelech for Sarah, Abraham’s wife; Abimelech restores Sarah to Abraham and is healed through Abraham’s prayer.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0019: Genesis 19 - 08/24/2020

Content: The Lord sends two angels to save Lot with his family and to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for the sins of their inhabitants.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0018: Genesis 18 - 08/23/2020

Content: The Lord visits Abraham who shows hospitality to Him. He reveals His plans to Abraham, and Abraham supplicates for righteous people in Sodom.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0017: Genesis 17 - 08/22/2020

Content: God changes Abram’s name to “Abraham” and gives circumcision as a sign of the covenant with him; God changes Sarai’s name to “Sarah” and promises that she would bear a son, Isaac.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0016: Genesis 16 - 08/21/2020

Content: Abram’s son Ishmael is born.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0015: Genesis 15 - 08/18/2020

Content: The Lord makes a covenant with Abram and promises to multiply him (although Abram is childless) and to give him the land to inherit (the Promised Land); Abram believes and He counted it to him for righteousness.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0014: Genesis 14 - 08/17/2020

Content: Abram delivers Lot out of captivity. Melchizedek blesses Abram.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 00013: Genesis 13 - 08/16/2020

Content: Abram and Lot leave Egypt and then separate because of the abundance of their possessions. Gob blesses Abram and promises to multiply him “as the dust of the earth”; Abram builds an altar to the Lord.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0012: Genesis 12 - 08/15/2020

Content: Abram leaves his family to go to the Promised Land, as God tells him to; God’s promise to bless Abram and all families in him.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0011: Genesis 11 - 08/14/2020

Content: The tower of Babel and the genealogy of Shem up to Abram.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0010: Genesis 10 - 08/13/2020

Content: The descendants of Noah’s sons.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible readings 0009: Genesis 9 - 08/12/2020

Content: God blesses Noah and his sons. The Lord gives the rainbow a sign of the covenant between God and all flesh on the earth that a flood will never extinguish all living creatures.


Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0008: Genesis 8 - 08/11/2020

Content: The waters of the flood abate. Noah lets a dove out and she brings an olive leaf. Noah, his family and the animals go out of the ark, according to God’s command.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0007: Genesis 7 - 08/10/2020

Content: The flood destroys living creatures on the surface of the earth, but the righteous Noah and all in the ark are saved.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0006: Genesis 6 - 08/08/2020

Content: Because of the lawlessness of the inhabitants of the earth, God condemns the life to be extinguished from the surface of the earth, but God promises to save Noah (who walked with God) and commands him to build an ark and to bring his family and two of every creature to be saved.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0005: Genesis 5 - 08/07/2020

Content: Descendants of Adam and Eve up to Noah.


  1. Noah means rest.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0004: Genesis 4 - 08/06/2020

Content: Cain kills Abel. Descendants of Adam and Eve.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0003: Genesis 3 - 08/05/2020

Content: Adam & Eve disobedient to God and their punishment.

In this video, learn what “Adam”, “Eve”, “Eden” mean; how fig leaves (the first “clothes”) look like.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0002: Genesis 2 - 08/04/2020


Adam gives names to God’s creatures; God creates a woman.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this channel accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – just let us know.

Bible Readings 0001: Genesis 1 - 08/03/2020


  1. The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία - "the books"), also known as  "the Scripture" and "the Word of God" - the collection of texts that the Church believes to be inspired by God. Readings from different parts of the Bible are used during different Church services. The Bible, when used piously, serves the purpose of edifying people of faith.
  2. The Old Testament - the part of the Bible written before Jesus Christ was born in the flesh (BC - before Christ).
  3. The New Testament - the part of the Bible written after Jesus Christ was born in the flesh (AD – Lat. anno Domini – “year of God").
  4. Pentateuch [ˈpɛntətjuːk] - the first five parts of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Content: Creation of the world, incl. light, celestial bodies, plants, fish, birds, animals, humans.

Disclaimer: our objective is to make all the Bible readings in the series on this website accurate. However, there may be errors, including pronunciation and spelling. If you have noticed an error – let us know.

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