Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for St. Vladmir's. There are many ways available throughout the year for you to help your parish. This page is so that you can see an ongoing opportunities or perhaps we have a specific need that may interest you. There are many ways to help your parish other than tithing. Using your talents is another way to serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Below you will find various opportunities to use your talents.

All boys over the age of 5 are welcome to become a part of our Acolyte (help in the Sanctuary) program. Any interested boys should place their name on the sign up sheet or contact Rev. Fr. Partrick Yamniuk using our form at https://www.stvlads.com/organizations. Fr. Patrick will then contact your parents about attending a training session. This is a wonderful way to actively participate in the worship of the Church and to meet other Orthodox youth. No previous experience required.

We invite all (laddies and gentlemen) of any age to participate in Church services even more actively by reading Epistle readings. We currently read in English and in Ukrainian and readers are welcome to choose the language(s) in which they would like to read. We do not require any commitment beyond one particular Church service, but we welcome our volunteers to read Epistle as often as they can during Liturgies. If you would like to learn more, please, speak to the parish priest in person or contact us.

Each year during the Nativity season, St. Vladimir's members continue the tradition of visiting the homes of our members to share the Good News of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Anyone is welcome to participate in this activity. It takes a few evenings of your time but everyone enjoys the fellowship this brings and the people we visit are happy to recieve the carollers. Some of the highlights are visits to shut ins who do not get the opportunity to participate in the celebrations otherwise! If you are interested please contact our adminstrator at 403-264-3437 or administrator@stvlads.com

Each year in the fall we elect a nominating committee who is tasked with finding members to form our Parish Council for the coming year. In December, at our AGM, we elect our parish council and members of the various standing committees. Your talents can help! Running our Church and hall requires our members to use thier talents. Some members have finacial talents, while others are skilled at carpentry, plumbing, building maintenance, etc. Those talents become very useful when we are making decisions regarding our facilities.
If you are interested in a committee or Parish Council. Just send an email to volunteerism@stvlads.com.

Each Sunday after Divine Liturgy we enjoy christian fellowship in our hall. This is an opportuinty to build our community, welcome any visitors, and celebrate our accomplishments. This activity is ran by volunteers. Each week a few voluteers donate thier time and talents to prepare food and beverages for anyone who joins us. We are always looking for more people to donate time for this activity. If you are new, we will pair you with someone who has done this before so that it is effortless for you. Please contact our hall administrator for more information by emailing administrator@stvlads.com.

At various times of the year our Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada branch needs volunteers to help with Varenyky and other food/baking items. These opportunities are posted in our bulletin as required. If you would like to find out more about these opportunities please contact uwac@stvlads.com.
"Many hands make light work!"